Michael Bublé – Hollywood – Gluten-Free Cupcake

I have yet to come across a Michael Bublé song that I found inappropriate. Now, this doesn’t mean that he is 100% certified gluten-free, but I would highly recommend him as a family friendly artist.

His song Hollywood is an example of a song that is not only appropriate, but constructive to listen to. That’s right, folks. Five out of five cupcakes. A lovely Gluten-Free Cupcake.

Lovely gluten-free cupcake

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Could you be a teenage idol?

Could you be a movie star?

When I turn on my TV

Will you smile and wave at me

Telling Oprah who you are?

The song starts out perfectly innocent, establishing a picture of Hollywood and celebrities that we can all agree with without feeling anything objectionable.

So you want to be a rock star

With blue-eyed bunnies in your bed?

Well remember when you’re rich

That you sold yourself for this

You’ll be famous ‘cuz you’re dead

Suddenly being famous isn’t quite so great anymore! While this first part about promiscuity is often looked at as an upside of being a celebrity, the second part of the verse immediately assures us that this is not the path we should be taking.

So don’t go higher

For desire

Put it in your head

Baby, Hollywood is dead

You can find it in yourself

Truly fantastic. A great stand against the industry, which unfortunately has many a time driven celebrities into trouble. And, of course, we have a final line that applies to the rest of us non-celebrities: look inside yourself for happiness.

Or whatever else this mystical “it” is.

I don’t want to take you dancing

When you’re dancing with the world

You can flash your caviar

And your million dollar car

I don’t need that kind of girl

This is a stellar verse. Not only does this song advocate setting standards for yourself, but also setting standards for the people close to you, especially someone you’re romantically involved with.

But could you be the next sensation?

Oh, will you set the latest style?

You don’t need a catchy song

‘Cause the kids will sing along

When you sell it with a smile

These last three lines comment on a quite interesting and true phenomenon in the music industry: the ability of the public to pick up low quality songs as long as they contain celebrities and/or shock value.

So don’t fly higher

Oh, don’t fly higher

For your fire

Put it in your head

Baby, Hollywood is dead

You can find it in yourself

Keep it in your head

Hollywood is dead

This variation on the chorus is more of the same, with a notable push at the end for the public to remember the deadness that often accompanies fame.

Well, you can do the money tango

You can start your little band

You can swing from vine to vine

While the kiddies wait in line

With the money in their hands

But if you get to California

Save a piece of gold for me

And if it’s the only thing you’ll save

Then I’ll bet you’ll never wave

When I watch you on TV

Now we have a series of comments on the “money tango” of fame. This verse not only criticizes the focus on collecting money from consumers, but it also warns of the damaging effect of wealth on a person’s personality.

Keep on loving what is true

And the world will come to you

You can find it in yourself

Love what is true

And the world will come to you

You can find it in yourself

And thus we conclude with a final call to the audience! Love the true and good things in life! Don’t run after fame! Make your own way in life! Be yourself! Inspiration is flying all over the place.

This song touches on so many important messages. It rejects sex, money, and fame as means of happiness, and instead advocates truth, ethics, and individuality. These themes may seem simple and obvious, but you would never have guessed that by turning on the radio. This Hollywood has lovely lyrics, all sung by a lovely, lovely voice.

Have I mentioned lovely yet?


And the music video is hilarious.

July 13, 2011. Tags: , , , . Gluten-Free Cupcake. Leave a comment.