Lady Gaga – Born This Way – Gluten-Free Cupcake

Five out of five cupcakes. Why yes. Lady Gaga’s Born This Way gets a gluten-free cupcake.

Unconventional and Delicious Cupcake

Putting aside Lady Gaga’s hype and unconventionality, this song is way important for our culture today. It’s an all too important reminder that discrimination still exists and it’s up to us to fight it.

There are tons of songs on the radio right now about loving yourself, though, from Katy Perry’s Firework to Bruno Mars’s Just the Way You Are. Why is Born This Way so special as to get a gluten-free cupcake?

Let’s take a closer look at the lyrics.

It doesn’t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M

Wow. Way to be subtle.

Really, though. It’s WONDERFUL that Lady Gaga is coming right out and saying that religion and sexuality don’t have to conflict. Because, really, they don’t at all, but not many people are aware of that. Kudos to Lady Gaga for pointing this out.

Just put your paws up

‘Cause you were born this way, baby

Okay, I’ll be honest: I’m not totally into this whole “paws” thing. I don’t know what this means. Are we rejecting humanity and all its flaws? Are we returning to our more natural side? Are we flaunting our uniqueness? Not quite clear to me.

My mama told me when I was young

We are all born superstars

She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on

In the glass of her boudoir

I’m not a hundred percent crazy about this, because not everyone, you know, wants to be a superstar. BUT I can see where Lady Gaga is going with this, about accepting yourself and being confident, and that’s a great message.

Also, I’m not convinced that a mom should do her kid’s hair and makeup as a way to make her be confident. The way you dress can be an awesome way of expressing yourself and being confident, but it’s not necessary. Nevertheless.

“There’s nothing wrong with loving who you are”

She said, “Cause He made you perfect, babe”

“YESSSSS” and then “Wait a second…” Because, um, we’re not perfect. Nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws. And, yes, we should love ourselves, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have parts of ourselves that we have to work on.

“So hold your head up, girl, and you’ll go far

Listen to me when I say”

I’m beautiful in my way

‘Cause God makes no mistakes

I’m on the right track, baby

I was born this way

Don’t hide yourself in regret

Just love yourself and you’re set

I’m on the right track, baby

I was born this way

I very much approve of this part. Amazing. Maybe a tad simplistic (“and you’re set”? Really?) but the overall message is fantastic.

Don’t be a drag – just be a queen

Ahhhh, I don’t totally get this either. Don’t be boring, but rather flamboyant? There seems to be more of a middle ground that Lady Gaga isn’t mentioning.

Give yourself prudence

And love your friends

Subway kid, rejoice your truth

In the religion of the insecure

I must be myself, respect my youth

This second verse is STELLAR. Prudence? Yup. Love your friends? Yup. Don’t listen to people who criticize you for your youth? Yup. GREAT job on this.

A different lover is not a sin

Believe capital H-I-M

Maybe I’m biased because I have some pretty strong opinions on this, but I think this is one of the most important parts of the song for our culture. It’s pretty frustrating to keep hearing the same verses misinterpreted to make discriminations based on sexual orientation. It’s really important for people to stop making the same claims that simply aren’t true. On a non-Christian note, in America, we don’t have one religion, so our leaders in the government cannot use religious justification to make laws. It’s should be as simple as that.

Anyway. Regardless of whether you are religious or not, Lady Gaga is still conveying an incredibly important message.

I love my life; I love this record, and

This is a tad braggy, but it’s good to hear that Lady Gaga is happy with her life, which is somewhat rare among celebrities.

Mi amore vuole fe, yah

I’ve looked up the translation for this, but I still don’t quite understand it in the context of the song. Any ideas?

Don’t be a drag – just be a queen

Whether you’re broke or evergreen

You’re black, white, beige, Chola descent

You’re Lebanese, you’re Orient

There’s been a lot of controversy over the choice of the words “Chola” and “Orient.” I don’t really hear them being used in, you know, real life, so I can’t personally speak to their level of appropriateness in the song. They don’t seem insulting to me, but maybe they would be in some communities.

Whether life’s disabilities

Left you outcast, bullied, or teased

Rejoice and love yourself today

‘Cause baby you were born this way

No matter gay, straight, or bi,

Lesbian, transgendered life

I’m on the right track, baby

I was born to survive

No matter black, white, or beige

Chola or Orient made

I’m on the right track, baby

I was born to be brave

Wonderful. Wonderful wonderful wonderful. A phenomenal close. Addressing so many issues that apply to so many people in trouble right now.

Born This Way is not perfect. But I don’t expect it to be. Little nitpicky things aside (which are more based on my preferences than any strong, overarching beliefs), this song is encouraging and thought-provoking and unafraid to confront social ills, and overall a great addition to our airwaves.

Way to go, Lady Gaga. Congrats on your gluten-free cupcake.

Lady Gaga Being Fabulous

May 17, 2011. Tags: , , , . Gluten-Free Cupcake. Leave a comment.